Hello fellow readers,
First of all, I want to say thank you for visiting 'The Green Campaign' official website + blog. 'The Green Campaign' has made a massive success after it's launching. This blog has been created to educate people (especially bloggers) as well the publics - to gain consiousness on the environment hazards we are facing today and to search for solutions on how we can save our earth.
There are many things that we can do to save the environment. Whether you live in the Capital City, Bandar Seri Begawan or Seria Town, you can help to clean up your local environment and work toward improving the global environment.
One way you can help the environment is by joining an Environmental Organization, namely 'The Green Campaign'. Many more of these groups already have developed action plans for saving the environment. The 'Environment Club' is another example, organised by the SMSA MPPs.

You can also take part in the 'Earth Days' in future. Be sure to become a member of
'The Green Campaign' by following this blog. Any future activities and contributions to save our earth will be informed here and
'The Green Campaign Facebook Fan Page'. As a members, you can involved in any upcoming activities as well.
There are many ways that you can help the environment in your daily life. The two posts below; 'Water Conservation' and 'Reusable Bags' serves as guidelines and tips to educate readers on how to conserve our water resources and to reduce the pollutions, either water, land or air.
Question: "But isn't it too late?"Its never too late to start changing things for the better. The earth is constantly trying to heal itself from the damage we inflict upon it. The reason this healing process isn't working anymore is because we consume natural resources and pollute the environment faster than the earth can recover from it. When we reduce our consumption and the amount of pollutants we create, the earth will be able to regenerate more easily. Working towards sustainable lifestyles will create a better, healthier environment for everyone, now and in the future - and that the hope lay with each one of us.
Before I go, here are few tips you can do to save the environment.

1. Turn off unneeded lights even when leaving a room for a short time.
2. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs to save money and energy.
3. Turn off lights, computers and other appliances when not in use.
4. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs to save money and energy.
5. Minimize pesticide use and create a wildlife habitat in your yard.
6. Copy and print on both sides of paper.
7. Reuse items like envelopes, folders and paper clips.
8. Walk or ride your bike instead of driving, whenever possible.
9. Join a carpool or vanpool to get to school.
10. Shop with a canvas bag instead of using paper and plastic bags.
The next issue I will touch is the usage of Styrofoam.
Please promote 'The Green Campaign' in your blog today. Help us to save our environment by educating your friends and blog's readers.
Our motto: "Love the Environment, Save our Earth"
Note: You can promote us by adding our official logo on your sidebar with our link. Thank you.